Imagine if there was a universal tool for all YouTubers.
This tool would allow you to double and even triple views on your channel and increase retention. All you had to do was wave a magic wand, and new subscribers would appear. It would be even better to get it on a turnkey basis without the lengthy process of inventing, creating, and editing new videos. You just close your eyes and have time to rest without worrying that the channel's statistics will sink without releasing new videos.

What if such a tool already existed?

Gyre is a multi-functional tool that allows you to get all of the above by running a continuous stream.

Continuous streams allow you to achieve your goals depending on the individual needs of the channel. The size of your channel or the topic of your content doesn’t matter. All you need is your videos, a computer, and the Internet. 

What Is Gyre?

Gyre is a cloud-based tool for creating and launching continuous streams. Continuous streaming means that video files play 24/7.

The basis of continuous streaming is pre-recorded video content: your older videos or pre-recorded/edited content are perfect for this. Our partners often use older content on their channels, thus giving it a new life.

This article shares how your older videos can get more views and strategies.

You can go live to broadcast pre-recorded videos, ensure flawless, and efficiently run them on a loop. It all depends on your crazy ideas and imagination.

If you think you've never seen a continuous stream, you're wrong.

You've 100% seen them on YouTube. These streams run on the channel 24/7 without a host and still gather many active viewers. With Gyre, you can run as many as eight such streams on your channel!

Gyre is a tool that makes it much easier to create 24/7 streams, saves you time, and helps you monetize your existing content.

Initially, the tool allowed you to run endless streams only on YouTube, but today, our users can stream pre-recorded video on Twitch, Facebook, and Instagram. So, Gyre users are reaching and interacting with their target audiences on other popular platforms.

Why Create a Stream From Pre-Recorded Video Content?

Firstly, your subscribers have yet to see all of your channel videos.

So you can safely add any of your older videos to a continuous stream and show it again to your audience (the main thing is that it is still relevant).

Second, as the channel grows, older videos statistically lose to newer content. You can use them to attract new viewers.

Third, viewers more often choose streams over regular videos. And YouTube itself ranks streams higher.  

YouTube is interested in keeping the viewer on the platform as long as possible, so it creates various additional features. Live streaming is one of the relatively new features that the platform promotes more actively than regular videos. Audience retention on streams is higher than on regular videos. Based on this, when you create streams from pre-recorded video content, you increase their beneficial effect on the channel. YouTube will promote your content more actively to new viewers.

Fourth, you get more time to rest and create new content.

If the continuous stream maintains activity and saves your channel from decreased statistics, you will have time to do other fun things.

And finally, there will be constant activity on the channel.

24/7 live streams will continuously generate new traffic for your channel. And we've also noticed that same magic happening in the comments of streams: viewers start to communicate with each other and exchange thoughts and impressions.

How Safe Is It to Go Live to Broadcast Pre-Recorded Videos?

99.99% safe.

Continuous streams are perfectly legal. Do you run regular live streams? These are the same streams, although they last much longer and bring more profit.

Using older videos for continuous streams doesn't mean duplicating content.

You don't re-upload video files to a channel but stream them on a loop. Once the stream is over, it doesn't stay on the channel, and you can stop or delete the stream at any time.

You don't have to link your channel or social media to Gyre.

Authorization of the tool requires only your e-mail. Thus, access to accounts and content remains only with the owners of the YouTube channels or social media accounts.

You will launch the stream from your Gyre server, where you upload existing videos. To start a continuous stream, you only need a stream key. 

Social media and video-hosting sites provide the functionality of live streams and cooperation with external services.

Gyre works according to the platforms' requirements, allowing users to run continuous streams. The Gyre tool does not violate the policies of video hosting sites and social media and does not try to hack or cheat algorithms, views, or subscribers.

How Do Continuous Streams Affect the Development of a YouTube Channel?

Gyre streams are a win-win way to improve your channel's performance and make the most of all the content you have.

Continuous streams allow you to:

  • Attract new traffic to the channel.
  • Accelerate channel promotion and attract new subscribers.
  • Increase channel revenue.
  • Promote and monetize pre-recorded video content.

What is the Difference Between a Continuous and a Regular Live Stream?

Preparation and degree of involvement: The live stream involves live communication with the audience and the presence of the blogger in the frame. Continuous streams are pre-prepared video clips that replay on a loop 24/7. 

Content: You will need pre-recorded videos for a continuous stream, while a new stream requires new content. You can restart the continuous stream many times and use the same content.

Duration: A live stream cannot run continuously for days, but a continuous stream can run for days, weeks, and months!

Versatility: The live format is unsuitable for all topics, and speaking in public is often a little scary.

Equipment and Internet connection: For a stable and uninterrupted live stream, you must be sure of a stable Internet connection. You can start continuous streams from absolutely any device.

The number of streams: Just one live stream requires a lot of time to prepare the content and the equipment. Do you plan to stream the same video on different platforms? Oooh, a lot to do. But you can run as many as eight continuous streams on your channel. In addition, you can run the same stream to different platforms and thus improve your channel's statistics many times over!

There are many more advantages to 24/7 streaming. You can do what you love or worry about growing your YouTube channel while your content works for you.

How Does Gyre Help a YouTube Channel Creator or Owner?

Continuous streams help channel authors monetize effort spent, an undeniable advantage, and give the creator the most valuable thing — time.

Each creator has their own needs: to develop their talent, multiply channel income, reach a new level of blogging and integrations, expand the audience, and get more traffic.

Along with this, there is often fear. Fear of decreased channel statistics, losing a channel, emotional burnout, and a lack of ideas for a new channel.

Gyre rids you of these fears so you can start working on your needs.

Gyre is a tool that helps you:

  • Keep metrics, but on the contrary, to gain new audiences and make the channel more popular. If you do not have the opportunity to publish fresh content regularly, then continuous streams will become a "safety cushion" for the channel. They will signal YouTube algorithms about activity on the channel.
  • To expand the audience, get more new viewers, and increase the number of subscribers.
  • Earn using content you've accumulated on the channel over the years.
  • Create and run streams without using channel data.
  • Transfer traffic from the stream to new videos, thus promoting all content on the channel.

What Channels Are Suitable for Continuous Streams?

The vast majority of Gyre users are YouTubers. These are international media companies, millionaire channels, and beginner bloggers. All channels are very different, but their goals are similar. 

Among Gyre users are representatives of the gaming industry, music channels, travel blogs, beauty channels, entertainment, cooking, educational, and scientific blogs. There are also self-coaches, children's bloggers, charity organizations, and technical and automobile experts. Only you are missing.

When it comes to channels suitable for continuous streams, we’re convinced that the answer is not in the topic of the channel or even in the number of subscribers. The primary factor is relevant and high-quality content.

Streams will fulfill their purpose regardless of your YouTube channel or social media stage.

Promoting social media with streams is also easier. You will be the first in the user's feed; you will be able to constantly support the image of the brand/feed and form the necessary impression for the audience by streaming the selected content.

For large channels, continuous streams guarantee stable activity and growth of the channel's key metrics.

What If I Run a Continuous Stream on Instagram?

That's a great idea. 

We are generally convinced that continuous streams on other social media platforms can be no less effective than on YouTube.

Continuous streams are simply a must-have on Instagram! It includes eCommerce pages, pages of musicians/travel bloggers, and general pages with creativity.

Your followers will first see your stream in their feed and only then the stories of other users. You can constantly show current offers or videos with seasonal discounts for your existing and potential subscribers. Streams act as a generator of new traffic for your page. In addition, you will constantly form and maintain your brand recognition in your category. There are many more advantages, and the cost of launching a continuous stream is much lower than paid promotion.

Below, you can see how a live stream differs from a continuous stream on Instagram.

Why Do I Need Gyre?

We want to say we're the only company that makes running continuous streams using pre-recorded video content accessible, but that's not entirely true. But among our competitors, we have significant advantages for our users:

Gyre offers a flexible subscription system, depending on the user's needs.

How to Do a 24/7 Live Stream

We prefer to keep life simple, so we created the Gyre. The tool to help streamers effectively use pre-recorded video content for maximum benefits. With Gyre, you can spend minimal effort and time on streams. Starting a continuous stream takes only six steps:

  1. Register with Gyre. In the personal account for users, there is a Knowledge Base with video tutorials to help you quickly understand how to create and run continuous streams. In addition, you will find answers to all questions in the FAQ; if not, the support chat is always available.
  2. Choose your plan. Depending on your needs, you can choose a monthly or annual package. Plus, there's a free 7-day trial period. All for the convenience of users.
  3. Prepare the content for streaming and optimize the necessary video files according to the platform parameters. You will find more details about the stages of creating a stream in the Knowledge Base.
  4. Upload videos to your server and optimize them.
  5. Decide on a strategy for streaming (we have described some).
  6. Enjoy improved channel metrics.

Fast and easy!

In Conclusion

Gyre is the easiest and most effective tool to integrate streaming into your YouTube or stream pre-recorded video on Twitch channel and social media development strategy.

Boosting your channel with Gyre means getting more views and new subscribers with little effort or time. We are constantly developing our service to be the most efficient multi-streaming tool.